
Reserve Blue Stilton

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100.00 Grams

Reserve Stilton has a velvety, close texture with a pale, ivory paste, grading to amber at the edges and shot throughout with parsleyed greenish-blue veins. The rind is wrinkly, slightly sticky and orange-brown in color dotted with patches of white mold. Flavors are rich and lactic with a wonderful balance of blue mold, earth and butter. When young, wheels tend to have a slightly tangy edge but with age, this dissipates.

This Stilton is best kept in the refrigerator wrapped in cheese paper. However, it is best to remove the cheese from the refrigerator 15 minutes (Singapore weather) before eating, loosen the wrapping and let the cheese warm to room temperature. This improves both texture and flavour. Stilton can be frozen if you find you have too much. It should slowly be thawed in the refrigerator overnight.

This Stilton cheese pairs well with sweet white wines like Sauternes, Gewurtztraminer, Riesling, Semillon, and fortified wines like port, sherry.

  • Country of Origin: England
  • Milk Variety: Cows'
  • Style of Cheese: Blue
  • Pasteurised: Yes
  • For pregnant women: No
  • Vegetarian: No

As this cheese is hand cut, the weight of the actual piece will be estimated +/-50g from the stated weight. We will ensure that the total price value of your order will be accurate or slightly in excess. 

2 Reviews